Results of the implementation of the investment programme
Results of the implementation of the division investment programme in 2016
The Central Infrastructure Directorate’s investment programme totalled RUB 62.1 bln in 2016. The bulk of the funds – RUB 50.5 bln – were spent on the track reconstruction (modernisation) programme.
A total of RUB 27.2 bln was spent on the programme to develop the Eastern operating domain, while spending on a programme to improve the quality of customer service as part of the Year of the Passenger totalled RUB 1.5 bln. Fixed assets valued at RUB 64.3 bln were commissioned as part of projects of the Central Infrastructure Directorate.
Spending by the Central Traffic Control Directorate totalled RUB 4.2 bln in 2016, including target external investments of RUB 129 mln. Most of the funds were spent on increasing the carrying and processing capacity of the main railway network routes and improving the reliability of operations by branches. The main projects included the ‘Construction of Secondary Tracks, Extension of Station Tracks and the Development of Railway Hubs and Border Stations’ and ‘Programme to Improve and Develop Marshalling Stations’. RUB 2 bln was spent on each of these projects.
The amount of fixed assets put into operation as part of projects of the Central Traffic Management Directorate totalled RUB 6.6 bln in 2016, a 40% increase versus the target.
Spending of investment funds by the Traction Directorate totalled RUB 75.8 bln in 2016, or 1% less than the target, including RUB 67.9 bln spent on the investment project ‘Purchase of Traction Rolling Stock’ (500 new locomotives were purchased), and the ‘Modernisation of Traction Rolling Stock’ project – RUB 5.6 bln (1,609 locomotive sections were modernised).
Repair and modernisation of infrastructure facilities in 2016
Repairs resulted in the renovation of 5,963 km of tracks in 2016, which is in line with the target and 940.7 km more, or 18.7%, than in 2015.
In full compliance with the target, reconstruction (modernisation) work was carried out on 2,200.2 km of tracks and 757 turnouts were built. Total spending amounted to 49.8 bln using investment budget funds (98.2% of the plan).
Russian Railways funds for major track repairs were used to perform the following work in 2016:
- new materials on 33.1 km for a total of RUB 0.5 bln (104.0% of the plan);
- used materials on 868.9 km for a total of RUB 8.5 bln (102.1% of the plan);
- 1,442 turnouts were built for a total of RUB 2.8 bln (100.2% of the plan);
- average railway track repairs of 1,360.2 km for a total of RUB 4.2 bln (96.5% of the plan);
- rail replacement work for 1,885 km for RUB 4.8 bln (100.2% of the plan);
- the complete replacement of rails during the period between major repairs accompanied by average railway track repairs on 1,500.6 km for a total of RUB 12.7 bln (95.7% of the plan).
Total spending on major repairs amounted to RUB 36.1 bln. In addition, major repairs were carried out on engineering structures valued at RUB 2.7 bln in 2016. A total of 180 engineering structures (bridges, pipes and tunnels) and 19.5 km of roadbed were repaired.
In automation and telemechanics, RUB 3.5 bln in funds for major repairs of railway automation and telemechanics equipment were spent in full in 2016.
Repairs were conducted on:
- 990 interlocked switches;
- 524.52 km of automatic and semi-automatic blocking;
- 146 railcar retarders;
- 20 compressors;
- 13 diesel-generator sets.
The Automation and Telemechanics Office spent RUB 4.2 bln on seven investment projects in 2016.
The following was commissioned:
- 105 interlocked switches;
- 33.5 km of automatic blocking;
- 40.1 km of permanent 2-sided automatic blocking.
Spending as part of the investment programme for electrification and power supplies totalled RUB 6.8 bln in 2016. For the year, the following major work was performed:
- reconstruction of 149 km of installed contact network;
- renovation of 66.1 km of high-voltage power supply lines to the automatic block system;
- installation of 113.3 km of suspension cable and 79.1 km of line feeder;
- installation of 1,649 new contact network supports and 1,527 substructures;
- modernisation of equipment at 8 traction substations; replacement of 6 telemechanics systems.
A total of RUB 4.7 bln were spent on major repairs to facilities in 2016. The following facilities were repaired:
- 3,171 contact line supports;
- 392.66 km of worn out contact wire;
- 989.6 km of overhead lines of the automatic blocking system and longitudinal power supply;
- 6,140 units of overhead line supports of the automatic blocking system and longitudinal power supply;
- 36,000 high-voltage insulators for all types of contact network.