Russian Railways Group’s Long-term Development Programme until 2020
The Long-term Development Programme for the Russian Railways Group and its subsidiaries and affiliates until 2020 (hereinafter the LDP) was drafted as the first step towards implementing the Group’s Development Strategy (tentatively approved by the Russian Railways Board of Directors in October 2014) in accordance with the Directives of the Government of the Russian Federation to representatives of the interests of the Russian Federation for participation in meetings of the boards of directors (supervisory boards) of joint-stock companies included in a special list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The goals and objectives of the LDP have been fully synchronised with the Russian Railways Group’s Development Strategy.
Oleg Belozerov
In addition, the Russian Railways Board of Directors approved the LDP Audit Standard, which regulates the procedure for conducting such an audit (Minutes No. 25 dated 8 December 2014). Due to the absence of a duly approved LDP, no audit of its implementation was performed in 2016.
The LDP is currently being revised as part of Interaction Plan No. 456 dated 30 October 2015 between the Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation and Russian Railways. On the basis of this work and during the coordination of the LDP by the federal executive authorities, the LDP will be submitted to the Russian Railways Board of Directors for approval in the prescribed manner.